JPE Product Spotlight | Medium Pressure Fittings Overview and Installation Instructions


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Medium pressure series products are commonly used in industries such as oil and gas, pneumatic and hydraulic pipeline pressure control, instrumentation tubing, chemical sampling, and water jet cutting. As one of the most fundamental and important accessories, fittings play a crucial role in ensuringthe safety and reliability of the system.

JPE specializes in the production of valves and tube fittings. Our medium pressure series products are manufactured according to product standards, using high-quality materials and advanced precision machining technology, along with comprehensive quality control capabilities, to produce high-quality and highly reliable products.

Furthermore, the JPE team focuses on customer needs, providing the best solutions in a timely manner to enhance the added value of our products and services. This commitment has made JPE medium pressure series products one of the leading brands in the international market.

JPE's medium pressure cone and thread series products offer a maximum working pressure of 20,000 psi.

To ensure safe use, system designers or end-users should understand and appropriately reference the relevant standards. The features and specifications of this product are detailed as follows: JPE Medium Pressure Series Cone and Thread Fittings


1 Strain-hardened 316L stainless steel standard

2 Temperature up to 540°C(1000°F)

3 Meduim Pressure(MP) size range: 1/4"~1 1/2"

4 Working pressure up to 20000psig(137.9MPa)


1 Cone and thread connection provides dependable medium-pressure performance.

2 Standard weep holes enable users to verify proper connection.

3 Glands and collars are supplied with medium-pressure fittings. Collars with left-hand threads prevent accidental disassembly.

How can the safety of the system's fittings be ensured? Many might first think of choosing high-quality fittings. While the quality of the fittings is crucial, without proper installation methods, the performance and safety of the fittings cannot be guaranteed. Below, we introduce the installation instructions for JPE medium pressure cone and thread fittings.

Installation Instructions

During actual on-site installations, installers may encounter additional issues, such as piping, tool usage, and post-installation testing. JPE can provide professional product installation training to help you address these issues.

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